Co-parenting Classes
A four-hour co-parenting class is being offered (some virtually and some in Spanish) to separated or separating parents. The class can lead to more positive interactions between parents as well as more positive interactions between parents and children. The class is so helpful that many of Virginia's family court judges are requiring that separated parents participate in this class. Please contact one of our centers to find out about available classes or use the calendar below.
Topics covered by the class include
• the effects on children and families when parents are no longer together,
• the impact of parental conflict on children,
• parenting skills,
• co-parenting skills,
• parenting responsibilities,
• financial responsibilities and
• options for conflict resolution.
Parent comments about the class:
“This class enhanced my ability to communicate in a peaceful manner with my co-parent and to put our children’s feelings first because our actions do affect them and their self-esteem.”
“I felt like you were speaking directly to me! Even some of the examples are the same exact things that are going on.”
“Wonderful, I’m feeling better and I have a whole book to help me parent in a child-focused way! Thank you!”

This project is financially assisted by a generous grant from the Virginia Law Foundation. Parents earning $35,000 or less or those who are experiencing financial hardship can take the class for free or for a highly discounted amount through December, 2024 Please ask center staff about this opportunity. The Virginia Law Foundation promotes the rule of law, access to justice and law-related education.