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What We Do



Resolution Virginia is an alliance of non-profit community-based centers working to help Virginians resolve conflict constructively.  Center staff and affiliates provide mediation, training, conflict coaching, co-parenting classes, meeting design and facilitation and restorative justice services.  If you are interested in any of these services, please be in touch with the member center closest to you.


Resolution Virginia members meet quarterly and interact regularly to


–          share information;

–          network;

–          collaborate;

–          educate the public about dispute resolution options; and

–          develop and share resources.


Membership in Resolution Virginia is open to all not-for-profit community conflict resolution centers in Virginia that subscribe to the alliance’s membership criteria. Please see our Membership page or contact Resolution Virginia's Executive Director at for information.  


Resolution Virginia is a  member of the National Association for Community Mediation and has working relationships with the Virginia Mediation Network, the Department of Dispute Resolution Services at the Supreme Court of Virginia and the Virginia Bar Association and Virginia State Bar's Joint ADR Committee.



Resolution Virginia is a consortium of non-profit community dispute resolution centers working to help Virginians resolve conflict constructively. Please peruse our site to learn more about what we do, how to access the services of member centers and how to support community-based conflict resolution in Virginia.

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