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VA License Plate Celebrates Community-Building

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A Virginia license plate supporting unity and community peacebuilding is available for purchase through the Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles.


Resolution Virginia worked with graphic artist Dean Paris of Paris Designs and the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to create the second of two Community Peacebuilding license plates. 


The first Community Peacebuilding license plate, produced by artist Liz Frankl of Frankl Creative , contains the image of a dove and the word “Peace”.   For the new plate, the nonprofit group wanted to promote the ideas of civil discourse and community-building.  A photographic image of human arms of varied skin tones holding up the globe was chosen.  Underneath this image is a skyline that transitions from urban to suburban to rural. 


The plates can be obtained by visiting Department of Motor Vehicle offices or going to the C for “Community Peacebuilding” or P for “Peace” in the Special Plates section of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles website.   




$15 of each $25 purchase supports the community peacebuilding work of Virginia’s not-for-profit community-dispute-resolution centers that are members of Resolution Virginia. 




The Trust Network and Election-related Violence in the United States

Conditions in the United States over recent months have been alarming. It is abundantly clear that the need for community cohesion is great.

Mediators Beyond Borders (MBB), Election Incident Reporting (EIRUSA), and the National Association for Community Mediation (NAFCM) have teamed up to identify, prevent and mitigate violence stimulated by underlying social issues – before the 2020 elections, during the vote and in the aftermath, and as unity is rebuilt. This effort is called the Trust Network. The Trust Network includes local, state, national and international conflict-management organizations with decades of combined experience.


Virginia has been identified as one of 11 states that could experience election-related violence in the next 4-6 months in any or various communities.

We are looking to include the following people in the Virginia Trust Network:

  • Peacebuilders and/or de-escalators willing to be on-call to assist when needed;

  • Community leaders who have the ear of other community leaders and can help connect the Network; and

  • Trustworthy people willing to monitor local social or regular media and verify accounts of potentially violent situations.

If you can play one of these roles or can assist in another way, please sign up at the following website AND send your contact information to Virginia’s Trust Network Coordinator, Christine Poulson with Resolution Virginia at Christine can also be reached at (540) 294-0732. We will be building regional coalitions of peacebuilders.

Thank you for assisting our efforts to help Virginians be heard …without violence.

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Are we really so divided...or do we have more in common than not? Let’s use #moreincommonus to list the things we have or likely have in common. I will start. We are all human beings...


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Help spread the word about MEDIATION by wearing the Keep Calm and Call a Mediator shirt. Your shirt purchase will generate a few dollars to go toward the peacebuilding efforts of the National Association for Community Mediation ( and Resolution Virginia.   It will also help to educate people about mediation.  There are unisex tee shirts, women’s tees, long-sleeved tee shirts, hoodies and more ranging in price from $15 to $35.  Click here to purchase shirts.  Personalized information can be added to the back with a minimum order of 25.  Please use your social networks to help us to spread the word about the shirt

It would be terrific to bump into someone wearing one of these all over the country. Any questions, please contact Christine at 1-888-VAPEACE extension * or  Thank you!

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